KCTA’s membership comprises Banks, Hotels, Tour Operators, Allied Businesses, Government Institutions and Community bodies in all sectors of tourism. It is a Business Association of the Tourism Sector that brings together the diverse members within the tourism sector on one platform with our area of jurisdiction being from Vanga to Kiunga. Feel free to join us and enjoy all our major benefits.
- Business Member Annual Subscription classes
(i) Kshs. 18,000/= – Small size, Annual turnover of up to 5milllion
(ii) Kshs 30,000/= Medium size annual turnover exceeding 10 million,
(iii) Kshs 45,000/= Large size. Annual turnover exceeding 15million
- Tourism Associations Annual Subscription Kshs. 40,000/=
- Corporate Members Annual Subscription
These are big private sector organizations as well as government parastatals
Bronze Kshs. 100,000/=, Silver Kshs 150.000/=, Gold Kshs 250,000/=